Flower - diagrammatic programming language
Flower's goal was to design a diagrammatic programming language based on flow chart and develop integrated development environment. This is demo videos. If you cannot watch the video clearly, please download the demo files and play it.
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RootKit Defender
This project is for researching rootkits and the way to detect it. In this projects, I researched hidden registry key detection module and IDT(Interrupt Descriptor Table)
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Virtual Bridge
Virtual Bridge is a convenient and original solution to interact between digital devices that can share its media contents through Argument Reality. Step1.Register source object such as camera that hold media contents such as digital camera and target like Television that can play media contends. Step 2.Select contents from the source object and drag and drop on the target object. Step 3. If Obj..
[시스템프로그래밍][4장모듈프로그래밍][03모듈에 대해 알아야 할 것들]
[모듈과 커널 버전] 커널의 버전 확인하는 방법 : /linux/version.h #define UTS_RELEASE ""#define LINUX_VERSION_CODE 132622#define KERNEL_VERSION(a, b, c) (((a)
C에서 프로그램 수행 시간 측정 방법
C에서 프로그램 수행 시간 측정 방법#include "stdio.h" #include "time.h" void main() { clock_t before; double result; before = clock(); for ( int i = 0; i
[screen] 설정파일
1. 설정 파일 위치/etc/screenrc 2. 유용한 옵션# turn visual bell onvbell onvbell_msg " Wuff ---- Wuff!! "
[시스템프로그래밍]4장. [모듈프로그래밍]Hello_Module
1. 2.6커널용 Hello_Module 작성 #include #include #include // init routine int __init init_hello(void) { printk(KERN_ALERT "[Module Message] Hello, Module.\n"); return 0; } // finish routine void __exit exit_hello(void) { printk(KERN_ALERT "[Module Message] Do you realy want to break up with me?\n"); } module_init(init_hello); module_exit(exit_hello); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); 2. 2.6 모듈 빌드용 Make 파일 obj-m..
[BackTracking] NQueen
문제 출처 : http://www.jungol.co.kr/prog/Hanal/hanalView.php?qs_code=1889 나의 답 : 아래 코드이다.. 하지만 N = 13일경우 1초내에 계산이 안되서 accepted되었다..ㅠㅠ 속도 향상할 수 있는 point를 찾아야 겠다.. #include #include #define DEBUG 0 #define MAX_QUEENS 14 int g_cols[MAX_QUEENS]; // represent of chess board // g_cols[index] : column, index : row int g_num_queens; int g_num_possible_sequence; void SetInputFromFile(const char* fileName); v..
[Greedy] 저울
출처 : http://www.jungol.co.kr/prog/Hanal/hanalView.php?qs_code=2499 2011.KOI.전국.초등부 #include #define DEBUG 1 #define MAX_WEIGHTS 1000 void SetInputFromFile(const char* fileName, int *num_weights, int *weights); void PrintAnswerToFile(const char* fileName, int min_umw /*minimum unmeasurable weight*/); int GetMinUnmeasurableWeight(const int num_weights, int *weights); void SortWeight(int num_weight..